Sunday, September 17, 2006

Two Cars

I know it doesn't seem like much from the picture, but it's a pretty big deal for us--two cars in the garage! Prior to yesterday we had so much stuff in the garage we could only fit Joel's car inside. Yesterday, while Joel mowed the lawn (it had been so long he had to do it 2x!) I worked on re-organizing the garage. I worked for a while--just long enough to get stuff moved around a bit. Next Saturday we'll do a lot more cleaning out. Then, hopefully when my mom & dad are here we can finish it up! Thankfully the weather has been cooler, so it is much more enjoyable to be outside. And, thankfully we could put both cars in the garage last night because when we got home from church the wind was howling!! It was really blowing. When we got up this morning the grill had been blown part way across the deck! Crazy! Winter is on the way! :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Sofie (what I like to call my car) turned 50,000 today! She rolled over from 49,999 to 50,000 today as we headed home from church, so I had to take a picture! I got to thinking about how much my life has changed since I bought Sofie (thanks mom & dad).

When Sofie was only "12" (I bought her with 12 miles on her)
-I only had no nieces or nephews
-I was hopelessly single
-I lived in a 3 bedroom apartment with my friend, Jen
-I taught 6th grade
-I attended a church where I hardly knew anyone
-I hadn't heard of "scrapbooking" before

Now that Sofie is "50,000" (that's 3 1/2 years old in people years)
-I have 3 nieces & 2 nephews with another one on the way
-I am happily married (Praise God!)
-I live in a 5 bedroom home I own with my husband
-I work as an adminstrator at school
-I attend a fabulous church & small group where we feel connected & love the people
-I am addicted to scrapbooking & am well on my way to owning every tool imaginable needed for scrapbooking

Major life changes in the last three years! Amazing! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in the next 50,000 miles!