I love summer. And it's not just because I'm a teacher and we get 2 months off. I love summer because it suits my personality. Lazy days. Relaxed schedules. Sleeping in, staying up late. Spending time with friends and family. All the things we don't get to do during the school year because we move at break-neck speed.
I found myself really enjoying this summer. We went on some awesome vacations, had great time with lots of different friends, worked on house projects, and Joel & I just really had a great time together, being married.
Towards the end of the summer, in the middle of August, we found ourselves spending time with a number of different groups of friends. One Thursday night, some of the people in our small group met for a picnic at a park and had a small BBQ. As the relaxing evening came to an end, I found myself staring off into the darkening sky thinking "This is it--this is what summer is all about. I don't want it to end."
The next evening I had a very similar moment while we spent the evening on the back deck with our friends, the Smiths. We had eaten a great meal, the weather was turning just a little cooler and I had that same thought "This is it--this is what summer is about. I
really don't want it to end."
Two days later, our friends Jason & Krista were over at our house and we were playing a rousing game of Pinochle. They are the only people our age we know that play the game. We play so often we have a notebook we keep of our games and all the funny things that happen during those games. It's fun to look back and see where and when we've played. As the evening was coming to an end and we realized it was a school night for Joel and me, I had that same thought, that same moment of sadness--"This is it--this is what summer is about. I
really don't want it to end."
But, like all good things, they do come to an end. Work has begun. Life is moving at break-neck speed. The weather is getting cooler and summer and it's glorious lifestyle is but a memory.
Last night Joel & I attended the Air Force Home- coming football game against TCU. I have to say, it was a rather uneventful game leading into the
4th quarter. Air Force was down by 7, and their defense had been on the field for most of the 2 and 3 quarter. Lots of people left early. The weather was getting a bit chillier and it was getting late. Ok, it was 8:30. We even considered leaving to beat traffic. But then the game turned around quickly after TCU scored another touchdown. Air Force came back to win triumphantly in overtime. The cadets rushed the field and the air was electric.
As the band played one final song and the stadium stood silently, I had another quiet moment to myself. The air was cool, we were with family, enjoying a great game of football..."This is it--this is what fall is all about. I never want it to end." But, then I realized it's not what fall or even summer is all about. This is life. Awesome moments shared with friends or family, or even alone. Feeling community amongst our fellow believers. Sharing in the fun. Helping in the hurts. It's not about the season--hot or cold--it's about taking some time to slow down and appreciate it.
We still move along at break-neck speed most of the time. Running from one event to the other. I even cut back on my work hours this year--32 hours a week instead of 40--to have more time to get things done. Alas, my Fridays are just as busy as before. But, I think I will force myself to have more moments like these. When was the last time you had one?