Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Last Weekend...A Weekend to Forget.

I started writing a post about our vacation, but just couldn't put all my thoughts down the way I wanted to. My husband, the writer that he is, has written a much better blog than I ever could about our whole experience. So, instead of trying to re-create the same thing, I'll just leave it to him to tell the story...check it out on his blog.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chick Drivers

I'm not usually one for YouTube videos, but this one is hilarious. I'm not as bad as these drivers, but I will say I have done the parking one (in the middle of the video). I just wish some nice guy had helped me out. I think I just didn't park.

Too funny. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


This year is a big year for me. Well, to be more exact, May is a big month for me in the year 2009. It is my first Mother's Day (May 10), my 30th Birthday (May 15) and our 5th Anniversary (May 29). Any one of these events can be overwhelming for the most savvy of gift-buyers. But the three combined can be a bit overwhelming when smashed into just 19 short days. And for a non-gift-buyer like Joel, it is downright frightening. So much so, that he asked to "take off Christmas and Valentine's Day" this year.

However, he did reveal to me this evening that he would be getting me something for Valentine's day after all: A "lose/lose" list like his.

He started said "lose/lose" list when we got married, as if no matter what he did to appease me, he would lose (no win/win or win/lose options for him, just lose/lose). This is a self-created and self-kept list. I have no record of his "losses".

But I will say, May is going to be a long month for one of us.

Joel's gonna need some help.

Open Mouth...

Open mouth...

Insert foot...

Or maybe not...

This isn't usually what I'm thinking about when I have to "open mouth, insert foot", but I sure do wish I could still do this version of the saying...

(No babies were harmed during the filming of this stunt. Mom was watching.)

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Yesterday I finally had a day at home when I wasn't sick (it's been a long week). I needed to get a lot of stuff done around the house that had been neglected. So naturally, when I woke up I chose to get right to Facebooking. Priorities. Facebook first, clean later.

My sister and I actually started to argue about who had a messier house this week--I guess she had some cleaning to do, too. But, alas, she lives in Virginia, so we can't actually visually compare; we can just brag on the phone. Well, I went one step further. Here's proof of my house's need for cleaning. I finally got around to the floors today...This is just one Swiffer through my living room and hallway. YUCK. Well, there you have it. Now back to Facebooking.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Conversation, anyone?

Joel and I have been having some great conversations lately...remembering fun experiences, talking about our day, catching up on things we just haven't found time to talk about before. It's been great.

Save for the fact that said conversations occur around 3am after trying to get Anders back to sleep.

My how life has changed.