Wednesday, December 23, 2009

50% Ain't Bad

I'm not really one to make New Year's Resolutions. But this year, I did. I made two.

The first one is kind of silly, but it was an easy one to keep. My resolution was to not buy any new soap for myself during 2009. Now don't go getting all upset with me--it's not like I wasn't going to use soap, I just wasn't going to buy any new soap.

I had tons and tons of little bottles, half-used bottles and bottles I wasn't previously interested in using. This was the year to use them up. I am happy to say, I kept this resolution 100%. No new soap for me--I'm still going strong with leftovers and unused bottles. Probably saved some money in the process, too.

The second resolution I made was also a bit silly, and I made it on a whim: No Preg-o in '09. In other words, I really didn't want to be pregnant in '09 because it would mean I would be pregnant in '07, '08, '09 AND '10.

Be careful what your New Year's Resolutions are.

Baby J #2 will be arriving around July 5, 2010.

As for New Year's Resolutions for 2010?

There are none. Not a one.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmas is Coming...

As of right now we're:

9 days away from getting a nephew
9 school (work) days away from a 2 week break
17 days away from Christmas with Grandma J
22 days away from a visit from Opa & Oma
24 days away from 2010!

At the Jacobson house, we've been a little slow in getting ready for Christmas...everything just seems to take more time with a 15 month old!

We did get out the Christmas tree on Saturday, although it is still unlit and undecorated.

One step at a time around here.

Anders sure enjoyed watching/helping/making a mess while we set up the tree. Here are some pictures from his adventures.

Soon after we took this picture we heard the tinkling of the piano.
We turned around only to find Anders STANDING on the keys of the piano.
He had climbed on the lid of the tub, onto the piano bench and was standing on the keys of the piano reaching for pictures, ornaments and flowers on the top of the piano.
Gotta keep your eye on this one.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

A New Look

At the beginning of November, Joel shaved his head, beard, everything for "no-shave November" at school. It was a, well, um, interesting look. But that look didn't last long as his hair started growing in.

And growing.

And growing.

By the middle of November I was really "over it"--especially the mustache. As we went into Thanksgiving week I was just counting the days, the hours, until he would shave again.

And then he started threatening to keep it. But I knew he didn't really mean that because he was started to get "blistering" on his upper lip from his mustache being so long. I think that was God's gift to me to insure he would shave it.

So, here he was last night at the end of the month. Honestly, the pictures don't even come close to showing the true nastiness of it all.

I'm just glad it's gone.

One of our friends wanted Joel to keep his beard and mustache.
So we took a picture before the infamous mustache was removed.