Anders continues to grow and grow--he is now sleeping in his big boy bed (a real twin size bed) and he loves it. We have yet to move the crib downstairs, but he hasn't been in it in almost 2 weeks. He also loves to eat--recently Grandma J taught him how to pull the grapes off the stem to eat them. Who knew it would be so much fun?
He loves to wear hats of all kinds--mostly baseball hats, like dad--but sometimes construction hats and he's even been known to go out and about in his cowboy hat.
Anders pretty much loves to do anything that dad is doing, including "helping" with handy-man projects around the house. Anders has his own set of plastic tools and is helping dad with his wrench to fix our leaky shower. He knows the names of most common tools--screwdriver, hammer, wrench, pliers, etc...
This weekend we had a major rainstorm move in. It only lasted about 10 minutes, but it dumped a lot of rain. We really needed it! Anders & Joel were checking it out from the front door. I was just praying that there wouldn't be any hail because we just finalized our insurance claim from LAST summer's hailstorm a week ago! I didn't want to start that all over again...
And finally, and probably the most fun, last Thursday we headed up towards Evergreen to Tiny Town. Grandma J had been watching Anders a lot for us over the last week or two, so we wanted to do something fun with all four of us. Also, it was very hot in Denver last Thursday, so getting up into the mountains where it's about 10 degrees cooler is always a bonus.
Tiny Town is just that--a minature sized town with about 100 or so buildings. Most of them are famous building from around the Denver area. Anders had so much fun looking in all the small buildings. And of course, the minature train ride was also a big hit!
Peeking in at the Harley Davidson store.
We stayed for about an hour and a half and then it was time to head back home for some lunch and a nap! We'll be back!