Here are a few pics from yesterday...Anders gets a cookie every time he stays in his bed for either his nap or at bedtime. I'd like to say that he was getting fat from cookies, but that is not the case. Cookie treats are few and far between for this busy guy.
He loves his new "Tomato Head" t-shirt...otherwise known as "Mr. Potato Head". :)
We spend quite a bit of time with my friend, Monique. Her son is just 5 weeks older than Anders. They "play" together--at least once a week and are in the same CBS (Community Bible Study) class. They don't have much choice but to like each other! Here they are playing the piano. This lasted about 2 minutes.
And then there is Cade. He is my sweet, content, loves-to-be-held baby. I am so glad my boys have different personalitiies. Since they are so close together, it just wouldn't be as much fun if they were too much alike! Cade (at two months) has been been sleeping 9+ hours at night and is just cool, calm and collected much of the day. What a great baby!
He's going to be a charmer with all his smiling!