Sunday, March 21, 2010

All In a Day of Eating

Anders loves to eat. Most of the time. He does have his days where he is a bit pickier than I would like, but for the most part, he does love food. Some odd flavors he likes are Cool Ranch Doritos, Chili Cheese Fritos, taco meat & onions (in a recipe Joel makes), and random other food that little boys aged 19 months shouldn't particularly enjoy.

I am often amazed by what he likes to eat. But more often than that, I am amazed by how much he can eat in one sitting.

Others have taken note too.

My friend, Monique, watches Anders on Tuesdays while I work. This past week she wrote down everything he ate for lunch (and this was after he had a good breakfast that morning, mind you).

1 cutie (tangerine)
6 cherry tomatoes
1 small sized applesauce
1 fruit bar (adult size)
1 jar of fruit (baby food)
6 grapes
1/2 blueberry Cliff bar (adult size)
8 pieces of popcorn chicken
12 goldfish

And at the "end" of the meal, she wasn't really quite sure he was done, it was just time to move on to something else.


taylordi said...

He's trying to be as tall as his dad!

Beverly said...

Holy cow, that's a LOT of food!! Lucan's meal would be a mere appetizer for Anders! He sure is a cutie.