Sunday, March 02, 2008

6 Words or Less

The other day I was listening to the radio on my way to meet Joel for dinner. I admit it--I'm a radio junkie. I could listen 24/7. Usually the afternoon show talks about nothing of substance, it's mostly just "blather" as Joel likes to call it.

But last week they actually did something worthwhile. They asked people to summarize their lives in 6 words or less. Some were quite sad: "pregnant mom, husband leaving, any takers?" was one. Some were very self-absorbed "Too smart for my own good" and the like. Some were more of a list of words that described them like wife, mother, sister, etc...

So I thought about what mine would be. It's hard because you really don't want to leave anyone or anything out--your family, children, job, or other things that define you.

Here's what I settled on. I think it incorporates everything that is important to me.

I have been redeemed, have you?

What would yours be? I'd love to know.


Amos said...

I could come up with a few, and yours was thought provoking, here is mine.

The Righteousness of God, In Christ.


I Believe, Do you have questions?

That one is based off of the youth in our church.

That pregnant mom one was really sad.

Jeni said...

I have been thinking about it, but I'm not good at this kind of thing. Here's all I could think of, but it's more than 6 words:

"Loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind."

Jeni said...

not to be unspiritual or anything, but I have 6 words for you:


I'm dying to know!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would pick:

Living for Christ, serving my family