I've learned that having a baby is just like getting married--everyone has their own opinion about it and they aren't afraid to tell you.
So, I thought I would share some of the things I've heard from various people over the last few weeks.
"One kid is like an accessory. 2 makes a family."
"You're finding out the gender of the baby?!?! I always thought you were one of
those type of people."
"You're not telling the names you've picked out? How rude."
"Have you started to FREAK OUT about anything yet?" (No, should I? Now I'm kind of freaked out that I wasn't freaked out before!)
"Get ready for the baby-crap invasion" (referring to all of the baby gear you "need" these days)--I think a guy said this one
"You're having a girl."
"You're having a boy."
"I think you should have twins."
"Haven't you started on the nursery yet? You're going to be in trouble!"
"Doesn't the week you're due coincide with the Democratic National Convention (in Denver this summer)?" (which was actually a good comment because we realized that delivering at the downtown hospital was not the best decision ever. We've decided to deliver at a hospital north of the city to avoid any potential rioting, picketing or other mayhem the convention may bring to Denver this summer)
And so on...
There really have been more comments that have made me chuckle a bit. Some more serious than others. I just love hearing people's opinions, most of the time.
What I haven't been prepared for at all is how many people ask how you are feeling when you are pregnant. Everyone asks, which is great--don't get me wrong. I'm just not sure how much I'm supposed to share.
Do you tell people "actually, I'm feeling quite fat today" or "I didn't sleep well last night because I had lots of gas" or "I can't keep anything down and feel like vomiting" or "funny thing, I gagged on a banana this morning and almost threw up all over Joel, wanna come over for dinner?" or some combination of the above.
Mostly I just say "I'm feeling fine", which is the truth 90% of the time.
In all reality, being pregnant for the first 20 weeks hasn't been too bad. Once I got over the not eating part in January and February. Now I'm feeling pretty good--thankful for the chiropractor more than ever--and learning how to adjust to the fact that gaining weight really
is a
good thing.
So here is my pregnancy information, by the numbers, so you can form your own opinions and then let me know about them!
Total weight gain: less than 6lbs.
Total weight gain goal: less than 30, obviously I'm not starving myself--I consume large amounts of food, I'm just hoping for minimal weight gain.
Due Date: August 21
Baby Goal: To be born after August 12, when Joel is done with his grad school classes for the summer (he has 3 weeks off between August & Labor Day) and his work school starts then too
Number of times I've cried unnecessarily: at least 2. Joel can testify to that. He recently asked "What just happened?" after one of these episodes. And I mean episodes.
Number of nightly trips to the bathroom: at least 1, between 2-3am
Last day for "regular clothes": Saturday, March 29. I finally broke down and started wearing maternity clothes for real. I had been wearing a few shirts here and there to go down over the top of my pants. But, let's face it, I don't fit into my favorite jeans anymore. My goal was March 15, so I think I did pretty well!
Number of Jack-In-the-Box Cheeseburgers eaten: 4 in the last 4 weeks. They are sooooo good!
Number of Strollers now in my possession: 2. One old umbrella stroller--it works great--I already tried it with my friend's 15 month old. One running stroller.
Number of times I've thought about going to register: about a million and then I think "What a nightmare!" I'm glad to have a couple of friends who are willing to go with me to help. I need it!
Number of times I've already gone to the doctor: (for regular visits): 5 and 2 more already scheduled for this month
Number of times I've thought about/said out loud "We aren't going to be able to do that when the baby comes": infinite. Mostly about staying up late, sleeping in late, going out late, laying around watching TV, leaving small pieces from games laying around.....
I think that's about it. Tomorrow (Thursday) is our big ultrasound and I'm super excited. Unfortnately, you can't take any cameras in with you, so I will just have to tell you about it. Our hope is to find out the gender of Baby J. I'll keep you posted, because I'm sure you'll have an opinion about it.