Friday, May 08, 2009

Catch Up, Part 2

From birth, Anders has loved to be swaddled. Tightly. With multiple blankets. And velcro.

The tighter, the better.

I think he just is on the move so much that he couldn't fall asleep without his arms being tied down.

I remember standing over his crib when he was first born and if his arm happened to get out of his blanket, he would immediately smash himself in the face and scream. Later on, he learned to pull his pacifier out of his mouth which immediately jolted him awake. It was quite funny and very sad at the same time. Sad for him that he woke himself up. And sad for me that I was up to help him at 1am.

Joel and I knew back in January that the time was coming for him to lose his swaddle. But, he was actually starting to sleep well, so why would we change anything? Anders began to outgrow his blankets, so we found bigger ones. Anders got stronger and could break free of the swaddle. So we tied them tighter. Just a side note, we never resorted to duct tape!

Well, us new parents finally got the message. Anders wanted to be done with that swaddle. He was a big boy now. It's just that I didn't get the message until I was at my sister's house. And we had to learn to sleep without it when my entire family was together in their house. Trying to sleep.

But, he has now mastered the skill of sleeping with his arms free. And he's quite cute. He loves holding on to "Buddy", a gift from Oma.

Joel got the best part of the deal. He was at home, sleeping soundly in silence while the rest of us missed out on some much-needed sleep in Virginia.

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