Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Little Blue Hat

My mom gave Anders a cute little blue hat. He wore it almost the entire time he was in the hospital. It was so cute and everyone commented on it.

I went to put it on him last night because his room gets a bit chilly at night.

It was too small.

My little boy is growing up.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how fast they do grow and things that used to seem so little and at first are big on him and then too small. It's amazing to watch, enjoy. What amazed me with Tabitha were how fast her feet grew, for awhile we had to buy new shoes every 3 months. Luckily she slowed down this last year.

Beverly said...

Good for you for taking time to blog!! Trust me, this is GREAT journaling for the baby book, too. :-) I LOVE the pictures and can't wait to see Anders, though he will look very different by the time we get to CO, sigh.