Monday, December 03, 2007

December 2

As we prepare for the coming of someone special, such as an honored guest, we might do a number of things to get ready. One thing might be to wash the sheets and towels, to make the guest bed, prepare a yummy meal or vacuum the floors. (or for some of us, it might be all of these things) But, in any case, we get ready by cleaning our house.

I know I need to do a little "housekeeping" myself. I have a lot of cobwebs that have built up over the year...I've completely shut the door to some rooms and allowed the dust to settle. I've neglected areas of my life that need some nurturing. My patience has worn thin. My compassion has been all used up. And my self control has been lost.

As I prepare for the coming of Christ--both celebrating his first coming and anticpating his second, I need to allow him to come through my heart and clean up. To remove the build up and grime. Only he can make me clean again, ready to start again. I'm not talking about salvation--I can never lose that--I'm just talking about a conscious choice to let go of the stuff that junks up my life.

Will you allow God to come through your life and sweep away your dirt from 2007?

Will you prepare your heart to be a welcoming place for him to arrive?

How will you do that starting today?

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 (the rest of Psalm 51 has great imagery of "cleaning", too)

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