Sunday, December 23, 2007

December 23

Sometimes the expectations I place on others are too high. Unrealistic. I expect them to behave in a certain way or do something that is not really possible. There are times when I expect Joel to buy me a gift that I've dropped hints about, but haven't clearly communicated to him what I want. Or I want a gift that we simply can't afford. Neither are very realistic. Just high expectations. I might expect a friend to call me out of the blue when I'm having a rough day. How would they know to call? At one time or another, we've all placed high, unrealistic or just plain impossible expectations on another person.

Oftentimes I find that my high expectations come with wrong motives. I want something out of the deal. I need something.

There are times we may do this with God, too. Help me win this game, just this once. I want to win the lottery. Please give me this new job. Heal my family member. But are these really unrealistic expectations for God? Or just demands?

All too often we place demands on God or we place unrealistic expectations with the wrong motives at his feet. When was the last time that worked for you? It's a good thing he sees through all of our games!

On the flip side, there are times when we place limited expectations on God, thinking "there's no way God can do that for me." Or, deep down, we think it's just not possible for God to complete our request, even if it is asked with the right motives.

But think about it, he is the God that has parted the Red Sea for more than a million people to walk between. (Exodus 14). He's also the God that helped a young shepherd kill a mighty giant. (1 Samuel 17). Don't forget all the people he's raised from the dead (Matthew 9:18-26, John 11:38-44, John 20:1-18). Or, the number of people he's healed (Matthew 8:1-4, 8:14-17, 8:28-34, 9:1-13, 27-34, etc...).

He's amazing. He knows when to meet our expectations--our needs, if you will--and he knows when to say "no" to our demands. He helps us change our motives to see that our expectations are not right--or are simply too low.

When I was in college, I really needed a car. I was about to start student teaching in a couple of different schools across the Chicago-area and it just wasn't possible to take city transit. I had high expectations on God. But I also had no expectations that he would provide one for me. I just didn't see how that was possible. In the end, my parents and sister & brother in law had already worked it out behind my back. Gary gave me his old car as a gift. It was really amazing. If only I had trusted that God could and would provide.

When was the last time you made a demand of God? How did that work out?

When was the last time your expectation for God was too low and he went above and beyond to answer your need?

What happened when you presented a request to God with the wrong motives? How did God work in your life to change your motives?

What is your response when God doesn't live up to your expectations? What is your response when he does?

And finally, what are your expectations of God for 2008? Are they too low--limiting God's power? Or, are they expectations that have turned into demands?

How will you prepare your heart to allow God to blow your expectations out of the water for 2008?

"My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philipians 4:19

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