Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good Advice

Having a baby (and being pregnant) is like getting married & having a wedding. Everyone has an opinion and everyone has "advice". And they are willing to share it with you.

I received a lot of advice while pregnant--most of it was great & encouraging. However, there are also those who like to share every horror story in the book. I find those pieces of "advice" to be "not helpful" and that's simply what I tell myself--"not helpful" and I disregard.

Looking back, I have to say that 3 pieces of advice/wisdom have helped me the most in the past month or so. And one that just makes me laugh. OK, maybe it makes me a bit irritated, too. But, laughing helps me cope better.

1. A number of years ago a woman from my work (who has 4 kids) said

"You won't care if a marching band walks
through the room while you are in delivery".

I didn't believe her for one second. I'm pretty modest. I was actually pretty worried about the number of people who would be in the room. Did I mention that I'm pretty modest?

Well, she was absoutely right. Shoot. I hate it when that happens. In the end, I would not have cared if the CSU, CU & UNC marching bands had camped out right in the room. Just get that baby out.

2. During the week of my due date to delivery, I was really struggling. I really wanted to have that baby. My sister emailed me and simply said,

"You won't be pregnant forever".

What great wisdom. It really helped me switch my brain from feeling sorry for myself to focusing on the real issue--he'll come when he's ready. Thanks, Aimee.

3. At my shower way back in June, there were cards available for little tidbits of advice. I have them hanging on the wall in Anders' room. I think the one that sticks out the most to me is

"This too shall pass".

I don't know who wrote it. Great advice. I may even paint it on the door to his room.

4. The one that makes me laugh. And, I have to say it didn't really come from anyone, I've just read it over & over and I know I've heard it in passing.

"Sleep when the baby sleeps."

My friend, Janelle & I have a running joke about this advice--she's been a bit annoyed by it longer than I have (she's been a mom longer). And, now that I have my own baby, I am annoyed by it too. What if I don't want to sleep? I might be tired, but do I really have to sleep? Is that my only option?

So, my spin on this advice is:

"Do something to take care of yourself while the baby sleeps."

You might sleep, but you also might enjoy a cup of coffee or scrapbook or watch TV or read a book...or you might even take a nice, long hot shower. That's my priority.

In the end, I'm learning that people can give you the best, most well-intentioned advice; you can read all the baby books in the world, too. But, it really comes down to instinct and learning, to some extent, to go with the flow. It's not like you can reason with a 2 week old.


Ellen said...

What do you mean? My advice didn't win?

Just kidding, as always.

Amos said...

Can I add one more? Confess the Word over your baby EVERY DAY! And when you think that you have done all you can in the natural and are tired, confess the word then too. When we can't go on, God can move on your behalf.

Anonymous said...

I like your spin on sleep when baby sleeps. I've definitely had to swallow my pride once or twice when other peoples advice turned out to be right :) hate it when that happens.
I hope you & little Anders are doing well.

Beverly said...

Yeah, the sleep when the baby sleeps idea pretty much goes out the window after #2 arrives...

I heartily agree that hearing horror delivery stories (or any horror-related-baby stories) while pregnant is NOT helpful. I was rather irritated when a friend began telling me, after she just found out I was pregnant, the horrifying story of a friend who had lost her baby just 2 days before the due date. Sad story, not appropriate for a newly pregnant mom. Grrr.

Write all the advice down and maybe you can publish a book of what TO say and what NOT to say to pregnant women. ;-)